Fidelity by Iulius Mall

Why I love Journalism

incendiu belintWhen you do a reporting in a small community, the people of that community will be out on the streets, kids and all, looking forward to finding out what and where and who and why is all the noise about. Just like us, the journalists. So at this one major reporting that I covered, a few years ago, about this big firefight near a small village close enough to my home town that my online edition newspaper covered it, there was this kid who, from the moment I got out of my car, until the moment I got back into it, followed me non stop to see what I was doing.

Reporting from the scene must be the best thing in journalism. It involves a long telephone talk, hundreds of photos, talking and recording the witnesses and, on the way to the editorial office, the creation of a clear, visual image of the article that you are about to write, so that when you start typing, you finish first and publish first, which is mandatory for the story to get the most readers.


But coming back at this kid that was stalking me, he said the most amazing thing to me when I got back to my car and started packing my equipment.

„Wow, I want to work at the television when I grow up!”

Kid was close enough, as I work at a newspaper, but I knew what he meant. I was an inspiration for him, he wanted to be… me! Also, he was an inspiration for me, for making me one more time certain that I have the best job in the world.

Nu am mancat ciuperci stricate, nu m-am mutat in SUA si nu transformam blogul intr-unul international. E doar o idee, aceea de a scrie o postare pe saptamana in engleza. Nu degeaba limba asta e atat de poetica, de romantica, de desteapta, cateodata pur si simplu imi spun ideile mai bine cu ajutorul ei decat cu cea natala. Sper sa va placa postarea in engleza, vine in fiecare weekend, la ceas de seara.

  1. I have to say, I stumbled upon this post out of nowhere and I love what you wrote in it. Keep up the good work, I cannot understand Romanian, but from this post alone I can see you are dedicated to Journalism and you can make it big at this job. Congrads!

    1. Dan,
      Thank you for the amazing words, after a long day, your comment was like a gift to me. Please consider to check out the blog every Saturday night or Sunday morning, as I am going to post an English post every weekend. Have a good read!

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